Because YOU ARE Smart & YOU CAN "Do the Math!"

I can help you get through and win at math (and more)! Since 1992 I have provided tutoring services in a number of different fields, with math being foremost and the most requested. I take pride in tutoring my students. I celebrate their victories, build their confidence and quickly guide them to better grades and scores.
I offer personalized tutoring sessions and use my specialized instruction and techniques to help them improve areas of difficulty and introduce students to new subjects, helping them advance to higher levels of understanding. Please contact me to see how I can best help you.
May 1993 - Present
Private Tutor, Miami, FL
FIU North Learning Center Math Tutor, North Miami, FL
SMART Tutoring Program, All Subjects, MDPLS, Miami, FL
Private Tutor, Baton Rouge, LA
Online Tutor